dana mattioli
Amazon Confidentiel : Enquête sur les secrets d'une domination mondiale
Dana Mattioli
- Grasset
- Document Grasset
- 2 Mai 2024
- 9782246837763
Qui n'a jamais commandé sur Amazon ? La grande journaliste du Wall Street Journal, Dana Mattioli, signe une enquête sans précédent et accablante sur ce maître de l'économie mondiale, ses stratégies inavouables et ses plus grands secrets dans la conquête de notre quotidien.
Comme l'a révélé Lina Khan en 2017, l'entreprise de Jeff Bezos est dans une situation de monopole inédite dans l'histoire. Mais contrairement à l'empire d'un Rockefeller, Amazon s'est développé sans qu'aucune règlementation ne contraigne son expansion. Pendant plus de vingt ans, la coqueluche de Wall Street a rendu les utilisateurs du monde entier dépendants avec son approche « obsession client ». Mais l'entreprise n'a qu'un seul but : rester au sommet.
Avec un accès à des informations confidentielles et après avoir interrogé des centaines de personnes - des dirigeants d'Amazon aux concurrents en passant par les petites entreprises qui dépendent de sa marketplace pour survivre - Mattioli explique comment Amazon a tiré de son avantage concurrentiel la possibilité de dominer tous les secteurs, éliminer tous ceux qui se trouvaient sur son chemin, et modifier la nature de l'économie en pleine ruée vers l'or de la donnée. Des concurrents sont copiés, des partenaires exploités et des consommateurs lésés.
Publié dans un contexte d'action en justice pour monopole, Amazon Confidentiel est l'histoire secrète de l'une des entreprises les plus puissantes et redoutées au monde. Une plongée vertigineuse dans ce qui pourrait être la plus grande affaire antitrust du XXIème siècle.Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Aurélien Blanchard et Anna Souillac -
From veteran Amazon reporter for The Wall Street Journal, The Everything War is the first untold, devastating exposé of Amazon's endless strategic greed, from destroying Main Street to remaking corporate power, in pursuit of total domination, by any means necessary.
In 2017, Lina Khan published a paper that accused Amazon of being a monopoly, having grown so large, and embedded in so many industries, it was akin to a modern-day Standard Oil. Unlike Rockefeller's empire, however, Bezos's company had grown voraciously without much scrutiny. In fact, for over twenty years, Amazon had emerged as a Wall Street darling and its «customer obsession» approach made it indelibly attractive to consumers across the globe. But the company was not benevolent; it operated in ways that ensured it stayed on top. Lina Khan's paper would light a fire in Washington, and in a matter of years, she would become the head of the FTC. In 2023, the FTC filed a monopoly lawsuit against Amazon in what may become one of the largest antitrust cases in the 21st century.
With unparalleled access, and having interviewed hundreds of people - from Amazon executives to competitors to small businesses who rely on its marketplace to survive - Mattioli exposes how Amazon was driven by a competitive edge to dominate every industry it entered, bulldozed all who stood in its way, reshaped the retail landscape, transformed how Wall Street evaluates companies, and altered the very nature of the global economy. It has come to control most of online retail, and uses its own sellers' data to compete with them through Amazon's own private label brands. Millions of companies and governmental agencies use AWS, paying hefty fees for the service. And, the company has purposefully avoided collecting taxes for years, exploited partners, and even copied competitors-leveraging its power to extract whatever it can, at any cost. It has continued to gain market share in disparate areas, from media to logistics and beyond. Most companies dominate one or two industries; Amazon now leads in several. And all of this was by design.
The Everything War is the definitive, inside story of how it grew into one of the most powerful and feared companies in the world - and why this lawsuit opens a window into the most consequential business story of our times.