"Distributors are hard to manage.
That is what many managers believe.
They always want better prices.
They insist on exclusivity.
They do not implement your strategy.
They are too focused on other products.
They need too much support.
Getting the most out of your distributors starts with you. Improve your channel strategy and dare to challenge your distributors more. They are not only your customers. They are also an extension to your organization. Learn to manage them as such. Like the famous dog whisperer, Cesar Millan, the change does not start with the dog. It starts with the owners. And with distributors, that is you.
The Channel Whisperer is a chronologic approach to improved recruitment, management and development of your potential and current distribution channels. This manager's guide is both for the experienced and novice channel managers working in a national or international B2B environment."
Drawing enhances memorisation, understanding, talking and listening and sparks communication. It is a universal language, and can help you convey your message more clearly and engagingly - especially during meetings, while laying out ideas or simply in a brainstorming session. So why have all of us stopped drawing at a certain point in our lives?
Start to Draw is a fun and clear-cut guide to drawing and visualising your ideas in your work environment. It is an accessible, bite-size book providing insight into why drawing works, how you can have a great impact on your own (and others') professional work, and how you can end up with a more creative approach to your job.
The number 1 US bestseller which is now sweeping across the world. What's the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?
Efficacité professionnelle : Mener une présentation en anglais : Se préparer et exposer ses idées
Isabelle Perrin
- Studyrama
- Efficacite Professionnelle
- 10 Janvier 2024
- 9782759054350
Ce guide permet d'acquérir ou de revoir les termes et les expressions propres à l'entreprise. Il propose ainsi de détailler les différentes étapes d'une réunion : la préparation, la présentation de l'entreprise et du produit, l'analyse des données, les remerciements, le compte rendu...
Dans un contexte professionnel de plus en plus international, pouvoir mener ou suivre une présentation en anglais devient un prérequis fondamental.
Chaque partie est composée de listes de vocabulaire, de règles grammaticales et de mises en situation afin d'apprendre à communiquer plus aisément en anglais et à gérer les imprévus en toute sérénité. -
Feedback : The power of conversations ; The art of giving and receiving feedback
Stéphane Moriou
- Dunod
- 2 Janvier 2025
- 9782100856640
Nous vivons dans un désert de feedback. Pourtant, dans un monde de plus en plus complexe, où les rythmes s'accélèrent et où le matriciel devient la norme dans les organisations, le feedback devient vital. Quelles sont les techniques les plus efficaces ? Comment le demander ? Quelles sont les erreurs à éviter ? Peut-on mesurer son impact sur la performance des managers et de l'organisation ?
L'ambition de livre est de constituer la première théorie intégrée et appliquée sur le feedback. Il s'adresse à toutes celles et tous ceux qui veulent mettre plus de feedback dans leur vie. Le feedback sert à la fois à nourrir sa relation à l'autre, à apprendre de façon plus efficace et à optimiser son niveau de performance. Cet ouvrage est écrit de manière pédagogique et progressive. Les deux premiers chapitres permettent de se familiariser avec les concepts de base. Les deux suivants visent à développer un art du feedback. Le dernier ouvre une réflexion plus large sur la place du feedback dans la société. -
Efficacité professionnelle : se remettre à l'espagnol : retrouver son niveau et l'améliorer
Jocelyne Reith
- Studyrama
- Efficacite Professionnelle
- 13 Juin 2023
- 9782759052356
Après plusieurs années d'interruption de pratique de la langue, tous édition ceux qui le désirent redécouvriront ici l'envie et les réflexes de parler espagnol.
Ce livre vous propose de retrouver l'aisance perdue de votre expression en espagnol. Le mémento aide d'abord au réveil des connaissances grammaticales. Ensuite, 25 dialogues commentés rendront plus attrayantes les retrouvailles avec la langue. Actuels et vivants, ils traitent de sujets quotidiens dont les mots de vocabulaire pouvant poser problème sont à chaque fois précisés. -
Successful meetings ; for professionals who use english at work
John Hughes, Andrew Mallett
- Oxford Up Elt
- 1 Mai 2012
- 9780194768399
Influencers ; who are they? where do you find them? and how do they light the fire?
Carole Lamarque
- Lannoo
- 12 Mars 2018
- 9789401452168
Influencer marketing is trending. Marketing plans based on mouth-to-mouth advertising generate twice as many sales results. But not all of the information currently circulating about influencers is reliable. What works in America, won't necessarily work in Europe.
INFLUENCERS is the first book that gives a complete picture of influencer marketing as a whole. It allows every CEO, CMO and potential trendsetter to see how you can best spread your message and provides a step-by-step plan to determine the right magnetic content, the right timing and the right type of influencer.
The book shows you how you can develop an innovative marketing and communication strategy that forms the basis for your Influencer Marketing Canvas. This Canvas positions your objectives, actions and influencers on a timeline and gives you a bird's-eye view of your plan that can help to win over other internal stakeholders.
The agile leader's scrapbook
Herman Van den broeck, Barney Jordaan
- Lannoo
- 12 Mars 2018
- 9789401447140
The demand for organisations to become more agile has never been greater than in today's fast-moving economy. This book puts forward a framework and techniques that will allow your organisation to survive and even thrive in the turbulence of the current business environment.
The Agile Leader's Scrapbook inspires readers to find a 'managerial logic' that fits with the particular needs of their organisation. By laying out the basics of what it means to create an 'agile' working environment, it provides clues to a better approach to co-creation, and to letting self-sufficient teams make better and more sustainable decisions.
The right to have a say in decision affecting one's life is supposed to be a core value in a democratic society. However, an important area where democratic decision-making is often overlooked is precisely where most people spend a significant part of their part of their lives: the workplace.
This treatise is recommended not only to legal scholars an in-dept analysis of participatory rights, but also to business owners who wish to enhance productivity and offer a better work environment for their employees. -
The Ideafisher : Review and Analysis of Fisher's Book
Businessnews Publish
- Business Book Summaries
- 9 Septembre 2016
- 9782511048320
The must-read summary of Marsh Fisher's book: "The Ideafisher: How to Land the Big Idea - and Other Secrets of Creativity in Business".
This complete summary of the ideas from Marsh Fisher's book "The Ideafisher" shows that creativity in business is the ability to come up with new and different ideas. Companies which develop new and original ideas will move forward, while those that develop me-too products will forever be doomed to compete in aggressive and marginal-value marketplaces. In this book, the author explains that creative thinking is not a random process and can be understood and applied consistently and rationally. This summary will teach you how the mind works so that you can work with the mind to come up with new creative ideas.
Added-value of this summary:
- Save time
- Understand key concepts
- Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "The Ideafisher" and discover the key to creative thinking that will take your business to the next level. -
The Sophrological Guide for Aircrew: A Stopover on Board
Marilyn Ricaud
- Editions Bdsv
- 11 Septembre 2024
- 9782959524097
Designed for Flight Attendants and pilots, this theoretical and practical guide introduces the various Sophrology methods in order to manage the well-being of the crew members aboard their own appliances, in an autonomous way. Through an effective and practical approach, it is possible to understand and prevent stress, chronic tiredness, insomnia, emotional states such as anxiety, as well as anticipation and prevention of burnout, so as to respond favorably to the problems related to our profession. This book identifies the causes and consequences of negative physical and psychological feelings in order to learn to manage them daily through practical sophrological exercises. In addition to the maintenance of skills and the development of crew « know-how », this sophrology manual opens up the field of « know-to be ». Through the application and mastery of these easy learning techniques and used in professional and personal life, sophrology helps you to develop self-confidence, motivation, creativity, relationship with others, letting go, the cohesion of the team ; stress management, etc. Thus, the crew life in balance with others and oneself, will allow to promote the smooth running of the airline, ensuring its success.
« A stopover on board » A cabin luggage to carry-on all over the world !
Une Escale à Bord, Le Guide Sophrologique du PN : in French book -
Do It Now! : The Personnal Efficiency Program
Bruno Savoyat
- Pepworldwide Editions
- 15 Novembre 2024
- 9782957955305
Téléphoner en anglais - Phoning in english : Centre de Techniques Internationales coll. Compétences Bilingues
- Organisation
- 25 Août 2003
- 9782708129962
Établir un bon contact au téléphone, savoir passer le
barrage du standard, prendre efficacement des rendez-vous,
poser sa voix, garder le contrôle du dialogue, répondre aux
objections... cela s'apprend.Ce guide vous explique, en français comme en anglais,
comment mener chaque étape de l'entretien téléphonique :
depuis la prise de contact jusqu'à la conclusion, en
passant par les techniques de négociation.Il vous permet d'améliorer votre communication
professionnelle au bout du fil et d'acquérir les termes et
expressions anglaises spécifiques aux conversations
téléphoniques.Au sommaireIntroduction : le téléphone d'aujourd'hui et de
demainAméliorez vos compétences téléphoniquesLa prise de contact : un moment cléNe perdez pas de temps au téléphonePrenez efficacement vos rendez-vousLaissez des messages exploitablesUtilisez vos atouts de communicationVotre comportement au téléphoneVotre voix : un instrument à maîtriserAméliorez l'impact de votre discoursGardez le contrôle du dialogueOptimisez vos résultatsPréparez vos entretiens téléphoniquesApprenez à répondre aux objectionsComment dire "non" ?Comment gérer un litige ?Concluez efficacement et mesurez vos résultatsDéjouez les pièges et entraînez-vous !Mots clésFaux amisExpressions types pour prendre contactGarder le contrôle de la conversationGlossaire des fonctions techniques du téléphoneVerbes à particules et piègesTests autocorrectifsContentsIntroduction: the phone of today and of tomorrowImprove your telephone skillsGetting in touch: a key momentSave time on the phoneMaking an appointment efficientlyLeave usable messagesMake the most of your communication assetsYour behaviour on the telephoneYour voice: a tool to be masteredImprove the impact of your speechKeep control of the dialogueOptimise your resultsPrepare your telephone conversationsLearn how to reply to objectionsHow to say "no"?How to deal with a dispute?Conclude efficiently and assess your performanceBeat the traps and practise!KeywordsFalse friendsKey expressions to get in touchDriving the conversationTelephone technical glossaryPhrasal verbs and trapsTests -
Effective Telecommuting : Learn how to work efficiently and productively at home
- 50Minutes.Com
- 3 Juillet 2017
- 9782806289070
Ready to take your career to the next level? Find out everything you need to know about telecommuting with this practical guide.
An increasing number of employees are choosing to ask to work from home whenever possible, due to longer commuting times or family demands. From analysing your personality to developing a suitable time management system, this guide will explain each step to ensure that you are ready to begin telecommuting and that you will achieve the best results possible.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
-Understand exactly what telecommuting consists of and how it can benefit both an employee and an employer
-Decide whether telecommuting would you and your job by looking at your personality and the tasks required of you
-Identify potential pitfalls, such as stress and burn out, and how to avoid them
The Coaching series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at all those who, at any stage in their careers, are looking to acquire personal or professional skills, adapt to new situations or simply re-evaluate their work-life balance. The concise and effective style of our guides enables you to gain an in-depth understanding of a broad range of concepts, combining theory, constructive examples and practical exercises to enhance your learning. -
Be a Real Estate Millionaire : Review and Analysis of Graziosi's Book
Businessnews Publish
- Business Book Summaries
- 16 Septembre 2016
- 9782511048399
The must-read summary of Dean Graziosi's book: "Be a Real Estate Millionaire".
This complete summary of the ideas from Dean Graziosi's book "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" shows how easy it can be to make money through real estate! The experienced author provides his own techniques for finding the hidden value of real estate and the key to understanding the market cycle. If you follow his advice on minimising risk and maximising profit, there'll be nothing standing in your way to becoming a real estate millionaire.
Added-value of this summary:
- Save time
- Understand the key techniques and strategies
- Increase your market knowlegde
To learn more, read the summary of "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" and found out how you can make the first steps towards making your real estate fortune. -
Little effort, big rewards : how to work less and do more
- 50Minutes.Com
- 25 Août 2017
- 9782806299246
Ready to take your career to the next level? Find out everything you need to know about maximising your time with this practical guide.Do you have the feeling that you work for hours on end with very little to show for it? Or that you do not get much done because you are too busy taking care of little everyday tasks? This guide will give you all the tools you need to get out of this rut and show you how you can work less for greater rewards.In 50 minutes you will be able to:-Understand how doing more with less effort is good for both your health and your career-Use various tools in order to organise your life-Minimise distractions and maximise your available timeABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | COACHINGThe Coaching series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at all those who, at any stage in their careers, are looking to acquire personal or professional skills, adapt to new situations or simply re-evaluate their work-life balance. The concise and effective style of our guides enables you to gain an in-depth understanding of a broad range of concepts, combining theory, constructive examples and practical exercises to enhance your learning.
New job, new challenges : everything you need to thrive in your new role
- 50Minutes.Com
- 11 Août 2017
- 9782806299260
Ready to take your career to the next level? Find out everything you need to know about successfully taking on a new role with this practical guide.Whether you are entering the workforce for the first time, returning to work after time off, or simply moving into a new role, your first few weeks in a new job are crucial. Being well prepared and taking the time to understand the norms and expectations of your new working environment are essential if you want to shine in your trial period and ensure a bright future at your company.In 50 minutes you will be able to:-Prepare effectively for your new role, no matter what stage of your career you are at-Understand the culture of your new team and how to work effectively with your colleagues-Boost your self-confidence and establish credibility with your coworkersABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | COACHINGThe Coaching series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at all those who, at any stage in their careers, are looking to acquire personal or professional skills, adapt to new situations or simply re-evaluate their work-life balance. The concise and effective style of our guides enables you to gain an in-depth understanding of a broad range of concepts, combining theory, constructive examples and practical exercises to enhance your learning.
Haz mas esforzandote menos : la cara positiva de la ley del minimo esfuerzo
- 50Minutos.Es
- 24 Juillet 2017
- 9782806299109
¡Realiza el doble de trabajo en la mitad de tiempo!Este libro es una guia practica y accesible para hacer mas esforzandote menos, que te aportara la información esencial y te permitira ganar tiempo.En tan solo 50 minutos podras:-Convertirte en un «perezoso inteligente», es decir, en alguien eficaz capaz de medir sus esfuerzos y reservar su energia, evitando asi el agotamiento profesional-Descubrir cómo gestionar tus tareas y planificar tu tiempo gracias a herramientas como el Bullet Journal o el método Pomodoro, que te permitiran ahorrar un valioso tiempo que podras dedicar a las actividades que realmente te apasionan-Mejorar tu concentración, controlar tu estrés e incrementar tu productividad en el trabajo sin pasar mas horas en la oficinaSOBRE en50MINUTOS.ES | Coachingen50MINUTOS.ES te ofrece las claves para sacar el maximo partido a tus capacidades y lograr la plenitud profesional y personal para conseguir todas tus metas.Nuestras obras combinan teoria, estudios de caso y múltiples ejemplos practicos para que puedas alcanzar el éxito y la satisfacción en tu vida laboral y privada sin perder el tiempo.¡Descubre en un tiempo récord las claves para triunfar en la vida y ser mas feliz!
Da la talla en tu nuevo puesto : las claves para superar con exito tus nuevos desafios laborales
- 50Minutos.Es
- 24 Juillet 2017
- 9782806299123
Demuestra que eres la persona idónea para ocupar tu puestoEste libro es una guia practica y accesible para dar la talla en tu nuevo puesto, que te aportara la información esencial y te permitira ganar tiempo.En tan solo 50 minutos podras:-Descubrir cómo prepararte para incorporarte a un nuevo puesto de trabajo, que cierra un capitulo de tu vida y te abre nuevas puertas-Aprender a dar una buena impresión entre tus companeros y a que estos confien en ti, lo que te ayudara a superar tus primeras semanas en tu nuevo cargo y a crecer en la empresa-Legitimar tu incorporación a la empresa demostrando lo que vales y lo que puedes aportarleSOBRE en50MINUTOS.ES | Coachingen50MINUTOS.ES te ofrece las claves para sacar el maximo partido a tus capacidades y lograr la plenitud profesional y personal para conseguir todas tus metas.Nuestras obras combinan teoria, estudios de caso y múltiples ejemplos practicos para que puedas alcanzar el éxito y la satisfacción en tu vida laboral y privada sin perder el tiempo.¡Descubre en un tiempo récord las claves para triunfar en la vida y ser mas feliz!
Primero, lo primero de Stephen R. Covey (Análisis de la obra) : Hacia una gestión optimizada del tiempo
- 50Minutos.Es
- 19 Mai 2017
- 9782806293305
En50MINUTOS.es te ofrece un analisis rapido y conciso de Primero, lo primero de Stephen R. Covey, una obra revolucionaria con mas de dos millones de ejemplares vendidos. Si quieres descubrir en un tiempo récord cómo mejorar tu calidad de vida y alcanzar todas tus metas, ¡en50Minutos.es te lo pone facil!¡Comienza hoy mismo a ampliar tus horizontes con en50MINUTOS.es!En tan solo 50 minutos, este libro te aportara:-Los trucos para jerarquizar tus prioridades, determinar qué es realmente importante en cada momento y lograr alcanzar todas tus metas sin perder el tiempo-Los secretos para seguir nuestra brújula interior y vivir de acuerdo con nuestros valores, principios y prioridades, sin ceder a la tirania de la prisa y la urgencia-Las herramientas para realizar plannings semanales siguiendo una metodologia por etapas que te permitira tener una visión global de tu vida y aprender a priorizarSobre en50MINUTOS.es | Book Reviewen50MINUTOS.es te ofrece analisis rapidos y practicos de grandes superventas que te ayudaran a triunfar tanto en el ambito profesional como en la esfera privada.Nuestras obras sintetizan los libros de forma completa y agil, para que puedas sacarles todo el jugo sin perder ni un minuto. ¿A qué esperas para marcar la diferencia?Con Book Review en50MINUTOS.es, ¡atrévete a pensar en grande!
Estructura tus ideas con el mind mapping : Las claves para elaborar un mapa mental eficaz
- 50Minutos.Es
- 26 Avril 2016
- 9782806285577
Los mejores consejos para estructurar tus ideas de forma claraEste libro es una guia practica y accesible para estructurar tus ideas con el mind mapping, que te aportara la información esencial y te permitira ganar tiempo.En tan solo 50 minutos podras:-Descubrir una forma creativa y eficaz para organizar tus ideas en forma de mapa mental-Utilizar una herramienta que facilita la memorización de conceptos en ambitos muy distintos, desde reuniones profesionales hasta en los estudios, pasando por la escritura de novelas-Estructurar las ideas en papel para dilucidar e interpretar el funcionamiento de tu mente y buscar soluciones creativas para tus proyectosSOBRE en50MINUTOS.ES | Coachingen50MINUTOS.ES te ofrece las claves para sacar el maximo partido a tus capacidades y lograr la plenitud profesional y personal para conseguir todas tus metas.Nuestras obras combinan teoria, estudios de caso y múltiples ejemplos practicos para que puedas alcanzar el éxito y la satisfacción en tu vida laboral y privada sin perder el tiempo.¡Descubre en un tiempo récord las claves para triunfar en la vida y ser mas feliz!
Book review : getting things done: the art of stress-free productivity by David Allen ; streamline your workload and boost your efficiency
- 50Minutes.Com
- 21 Août 2018
- 9782808010962
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.
David Allen's 2001 book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity is one of the most influential guides to productivity and time management ever written. It offers a complete, accessible system for prioritising tasks, getting on top of your workload and making time for the things that really matter. Given the increasing role of technology in our professional and personal lives and the increased pressure employees find themselves under, the book has never been more relevant. Over 1.5 million copies had been sold worldwide by 2015, and it has inspired a host of training programmes, seminars and related software.
This book review and analysis is perfect for:
-Project managers, team leaders and executives -Busy employees who find themselves facing a constantly increasing workload -Anyone feeling overwhelmed by their professional and personal responsibilities About 50MINUTES.COM | BOOK REVIEW The Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts. -
Negotiating your salary : get the money and recognition you deserve
- 50Minutes.Com
- 23 Novembre 2017
- 9782808000611
Ready to take your career to the next level? Find out everything you need to know about effective salary negotiation with this practical guide.
Many of us are afraid of negotiating our salaries, whether we are stepping into a new role or simply looking for more recognition at our current company, and it is true that this can be a daunting process. The good news is that anybody can learn to negotiate effectively, so you can make sure that you get paid what you are worth.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
-Prepare effectively for a salary negotiation by evaluating your skills and achievements so far -Present persuasive, well-supported arguments in favour of a pay rise -Overcome objections and make compromises so that both sides leave happy ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | COACHING The Coaching series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at all those who, at any stage in their careers, are looking to acquire personal or professional skills, adapt to new situations or simply re-evaluate their work-life balance. The concise and effective style of our guides enables you to gain an in-depth understanding of a broad range of concepts, combining theory, constructive examples and practical exercises to enhance your learning.