When eighteen year old Danny Goldberg wrote his first music review for Billboard, he couldn't have imagined that he would go on to enjoy one of the most varied and influential careers in the world of rock and roll. He went on to do PR for Led Zeppelin and KISS, launched Stevie Nicks' solo career, was Bonnie Raitt's manager when she won four Grammys for Nick of Time, managed the career of Nirvana, signed Warren Zevon to his label for the artist's last album, and, in between, ran Atlantic Records, Mercury Records and Warner Bros Records. In Bumping into Geniuses, Goldberg shares his stories about those artists with whom he worked closely, as well as others who represent a powerful portion of the psychic real estate of the rock and roll kingdom over the last forty years, including Patti Smith, The Moody Blues, Bruce Springsteen, Jackson Browne, Courtney Love, Steve Earle, and more.
But there is more to this story than Goldberg's career. It's a revealing look at the music industry itself: a business that was neither the romantic vehicle for self-expression that its most naive fans imagined, nor the purely crass money machine depicted by its most cynical critics. It was complex and chaotic - a mixture of art and commerce, idealism and selfishness - and sometimes, rock's most gifted musicians were able to transcend it all. Despite the drugs, lies and shallow quests for fame and money that stalked the rock industry, it managed to produce the music that Goldberg and countless fans love.
Above all, this book is Goldberg's love letter to rock and roll and to the countless musical geniuses he bumped into along the course of his extraordinary career. For anyone interested in the rock and roll industry, or simply the mores and temperaments of the musicians themselves, Bumping into Geniuses is an incredible insider's tale that only Goldberg could tell.